The UUU Is a concept I made to group my projects together. It is an alternative tourist information point, with the name inspired by the Dutch tourist information VVV while the edges of the letters are smooth in concept the UUU makes a point.
My work is heavily inspired by behavioral patterns. Which means that if you are close to me, I’ll critique you, making jokes is my way to show I care. It’s behavioral patterns like Massa culture, trends, consumerism. All of which could fit wonderfully in the nicely presented term to tourism. Especially because I make work about my direct surroundings, often site specific work a tourist information point would fit perfectly with my work. And is not only a umbrella term for my work but becomes a work in itself.
I decided to make a tourist information with all my society mocking projects and everything else that is part of tourist information. I even build an office without address which can move around the country by bike. This page in my site will become my future UUU ‘website’ but is still under construction.